eorzean metropolitan museum of art
Galactic Cirus

eorzea's first
moving picture show

the horse in motion

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EMMA and Galactic Circus have come together to push the boundaries of Final Fantasy housing by creating this unique moving picture show in EMMA's brand new private room Theatre. What better moving picture to share with Eorzea than the first real world example of chronophotography, "The Horse in Motion" by Eadweard Muybridge, 1877
In June of 1878, before the rise of Hollywood and even the earliest silent movies, Eadweard Muybridge shocked a crowd of reporters by capturing motion. He showed the world what could be guessed but never seen—every stage of a horse’s gallop when it sped across a track. It seemed as though Muybridge had used photography to stop time. The Horse in Motion is a series of cabinet cards that each show a sequential series of "automatic electro-photographs" depicting the movement of a horse.
Muybridge’s photo sequence of a moving horse was a milestone, becoming the first example of chronophotography, an important step in the development of motion pictures.
Creating a moving picture within Final Fantasy was a unique challenge in and of itself and was only possible with the wizardry of Cutest Fox of Galactic Circus.

The Following is a brief description from Fox explaining the magi-canics used to create The Horse in Motion

"In the mystical realm of home enchantments, we've uncovered diverse methods to charm our furniture to heed our every desire! Bear witness to magic known as "ghosting," a craft named for its ability to make furniture vanish like apparitions of old!
Approach the sofa and find not just one, but seventeen elegant frames before you, stacked like a deck of cards. Take a seat and prepare for the spectacle! As if by magic, each frame disappears in turn, revealing the mesmerizing animation of Eadweard Muybridge's Horse In Motion, a sight both enchanting and extraordinary. Experience the magic as art and sorcery converge in a dance of fascination!Every aspect of this chamber has been painstakingly crafted, with each furnishing carefully positioned and selected to meet precise specifications. Make no mistake, this is no ordinary room. Witness with awe the animation. While the paintings themselves are modded, the illusion of movement is created solely through in game mechanics."

Thank you Fox for sharing your BIG BIG brain with EMMA to create this stunning feat of mechanics!

Keep checking back as we add more moving pictures to our catalogue!**